November 2018
Here are the slides.
Here are the slides.
The WordCamp LV website had links to slides and recorded session from this great event!
Tonight we had a wonderful presentation by Dan Abubakar. Dan comes with years of experience and was free with his knowledge. You can find his slides online here: A video of Dan’s talk can be found on our Slack workspace.
Now that most of us have been learned how to customize our WordPress site it’s important to keep those settings intact. Creating a “child them” is your best bet. Basically it’s your spin on an existing template. There are hundreds of pages and videos on this subject. Below are a few of those resources you…
Our August meetup was online so we were able to record it! Passwords are hard. Convincing non-technical users that they should be using strong or random passwords that are different for each site is a challenge. The recent attacks on LastPass show that even if we follow “best practices,” we can still get bit. Luckily,…
During the week of December 1st to December 5th, I had the opportunity to take a Developers Course offered via iThemes, the course go over many things within WordPress. One Session was dedicated to what the instructor considers the “Top 50 Plugins of 2014”. The list he provided is located here. The list includes links…
Many thanks to our speaker and host Ken Unangst. Ken’s Allentown company, Digital Feast, is doing some awesome work in the area of video on the web and digital storytelling! This was a wonderful presentation not only of what is being done now with video and the web but what the future may look like!